International Training Course 
Self-healing, energy healing, distant healing and healing community

A 2-year intensive training to deepen and actualize your healing path, September 2011 to July 2013
At Caduceus Klinik, Bad Bevensen, south of Hamburg, Germany 
With translations, all teaching will be in English, French and German


This course is designed to develop the spiritual healing methods and skills given to us by Hazrat Inayat Khan. It will include many forms of healing including self-healing, energy healing, healing through the power of mind, one-to-one healing, distant healing through prayer, prayer for heartful engagement for groups in distress and for the planet, group healing and incorporating healing skills into other therapies.

The curriculum will be based on the spiritual teaching, methods of inner development and practices taught by Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan and Pir Zia Inayat-Khan, as well as methods which come to us from other traditions.

Subjects include:

• developing the power of breath and mind

• attuning to levels of physical and subtle energy

• honouring our relationship with nature

• sensing chakras and subtle bodies

• understanding causes and depths of disease

• deepening the heart sphere

• working with colour, light and sound

• purifying to be a channel for angelic and divine consciousness

• opening to the mystery of the divine power of healing

• practising many forms of healing

• psychological, energetic and ethical issues in healer-patient relationships

• self-protection for the healer.

There will be an emphasis on in-depth transformative work, and the 2-year curriculum is planned in developmental stages, practising and absorbing foundation skills before moving to more complex skills. Each student will be supported in identifying their healing path and evolving their practice. Teaching will be in plenary sessions, small groups and individual sessions with teachers.