International Retreat 2012 

20-22 April 2012 at the London Sufi Centre in the UK


Witnessing global revolutions – Sharing our souls’ awakenings – How may we serve?

In our retreat this year we are choosing to face the challenges of the time we are living through. What kind of witnessing and healing is being called for? What development is asked of us individually and collectively? How do we gain the strength to relate to the uncertainty and suffering, to face fear, to avoid burn-out? To be an instrument in moving from disintegration to renewal?

From a spiritual perspective, the outer crises may provide the impulse for inner awakening to a deep healing process: reaching into the suffering in our personal depths, seeking to understand, praying to transform the wounds, so that through this we may incarnate peace, harmony, love and the strength to hold others – individuals and groups – as they transform and heal.

For example, in many individuals, groups and nations, anger and violence have their source in pain that is denied and covered over. When we uncover, acknowledge and transform our pain, when we work towards forgiving ourselves and those who have hurt us, it is possible to move into the deep place of the heart, into love.

At the heart of our world is an archetypal dimension. When a people loses its spiritual heart, more primitive energies can emerge, as has happened throughout human history. What are the archetypes active in our world at this time? How may we discern, differentiate, choose? How may we, working together in our spiritual family, contribute to the evolving universal consciousness? How do we serve in healing ‘at the heart of our world’?

Led by Shefayats and Conductors in the SHO with sharing amongst all In English, French and German

The SHO International Retreat is an annual meeting of members from all over Europe exploring issues of profound importance in our dedication to the path of healing. Shefayats (national leaders) and Conductors present teaching and meditation inspired by Hazrat Inayat Khan, Pir Vilayat, Pir Zia, other Sufis and great mystics of all traditions. Coming to this retreat we will be meeting together, listening, resonating, and witnessing how our practice of healing may be evolving. We carry this blessing out into our homes, our lives, our healing and our groups.